welcome to The Ceremony Room
A transformative & blissful experience where each session is focuses on nurturing and relax our nervous systems and enhancing one’s natural beauty.
"We should all make skincare a ritual practice in our lives.”
A space where we celebrate and embracing the Role of Ritual and Ceremony as a Powerful mark of Self-Love.

Why it matters!
TCR believes in the highest quality of personal skin care. Each ingredient is pure, every product made by hand, in very small batches to ensure peak quality. Cruelty-free, organic and sustainably sourced, only natural preservation methods are employed.
Our signature facials will aid in strengthen skin barrier, facial tissues and muscle by integrative advance facial massage modalities & introducing the most pure and potent nutrients to your skin. Your skin will become glowing, plump and supple!
Eastern modalities like Gua Sha can improve Circulations to strengthen and tighten your facial muscles & improve Lymphatic flow. LED LightStim Therapy heals the skin by simultaneously emit multiple wavelengths (colors) of light. These wavelengths of light work together to give your skin a more healthy and glowing appearance. and our tension melting massage will have you drift asleep and awake rested and nourished!